Meet & Match 2024 is a project run by Promos Italia that supports Italian SMEs from Ferrara-Ravenna, Genoa, Lodi, Milan, Modena, Monza Brianza, and Udine belonging to different sectors related to the target countries.
- South Korea - food, wine, furniture and design, homeware-giftware, pharmaceutical products, high-end cosmetics, ICT, AI, sustainable automotive and mobility, logistics, machinery.
- United Kingdom - food, wine, apparel, accessories, furniture and design
- USA - food & wine, design and furniture (Businesses in the food and wine sectors may already hold the required licenses and registrations in order to export to the United States.)
The project is managed in collaboration with the Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad, ICE- the Italian Trade Agency, and other qualified project partners from South Korea, United States of America, United Kingdom
2024 Target Countries
South Korea
South Korea represents the fourth largest economic power in Asia after Japan, China and India. Choosing the Korean market can be a strategic decision for several reasons. South Korea has a stable constitutional state and an active presence on the international stage. The country has shown consistent and progressive economic growth. The labor force is highly skilled and innovation-oriented. It has one of the most advanced infrastructure networks in the world. South Korea has the world's largest network of free trade agreements.
United States of America
The United States represents one of the most important markets for Italian exports, both in terms of size and in terms of its capacity to absorb "Made in Italy" products, which are highly appreciated by local consumers and are synonymous with quality in all sectors.
For foreign companies, the United States represents a great opportunity to gain visibility at an international level and thereby conquer new markets.
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom market offers numerous opportunities for businesses looking to expand internationally. It is one of the world's leading economies with a developed financial sector, a strong manufacturing base and a dynamic services market. Despite Brexit, the UK maintains close trade relations with the European Union. The UK has a well-developed infrastructure, including transport, communications and technology. London is a major financial and technology center with a vibrant community of start-ups and investors. The UK legal system is reliable and stable and provides security for investment. The English market can be a strategic choice for companies looking to expand globally.
The project is dedicated to companies that are eager to expand into new markets, develop partnerships, or strengthen their position in the areas that the Outgoing projects cover.
More about the project
B2B meetings will be organized within 9th September and 8th November 2024 giving the operators more planning options.
Buyers are chosen for each company using a customized strategy.
The matching process is conducted in accordance with the goals and strategy of the firm, the target market for the products, and the profile of the Italian company.
Why participate to Meet & Match
- The initiative takes place online. No travel, no business trips are needed, as you can connect easily with your PC.
- Create targeted connections with selected Italian manufacturing companies in your sector.
- Set up virtual B2B meetings with ease
- Get help and support when you need it.
How to access the service
- Only Italian production company belonging to the provinces of Ferrara-Ravenna, Genoa, Lodi, Milan, Modena, Monza Brianza, and Udine that had express their interest within April 23rd, 2024 will be taken in consideration.
- If you are a foreign company interested in taking part to the project please contact our team by sending an email to Consultants are not admitted
- After a check of the access requirements, you will be invited to create your profile.
For more information about the project CLICK HERE